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.: UNDERWORLD: Vampyre & Lycan :.
URL - click here to play
Group RPG
Multiplayer Unlimited
Online / Offline Online Only
Cost Free
Platform Other
Client Email
Plugin None
Graphics Text/Static 2D Graphics
Time Turn Based
Length Open Ended
Added By gjl2004
Added 2004-10-05 23:46:52
UVL is a FREE FORM RPG SIM & Fan Fiction site for the movie Underworld, where player/members create, write, share and co-write stories for original vampire, human, and lycan like characters inspired from the movie. All characters have full feature bio-pages, the site is well advertised, and we use a email-server to send in stories. If you like to Role-play, have an interest in vampires, lycns, or the movie Underworld, and like to write and co-write original content based on the movie, here we are :)

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