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.: Statistics :.
492 Games
3123 Users
278 News
46 Articles
111 Reviews
.: Totals Ever :.
Votes 4116037
Views 2090511
Click/Out 687779
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Votes 966327
Views 783183
Click/Out 454183
.: Five Minute Footy :.
URL - click here to play
Group Sports
Multiplayer Limited
Online / Offline Online and Offline
Cost Free
Platform Any
Client Email
Plugin None
Graphics Text
Time Turn Based
Length Open Ended
Added By fmf
Added 2004-10-06 01:34:05
A very simple game where you have a number of Goal Cards, and use these cards to score goals in matches.
There are various ways you can earn more Goal Cards including a lottery, writing an article for the game's website or referring other people to join the game.

Turns are sent in via email and there are two matches a week, on Thursday and Sunday.

There is also a messageboard for fans to chat to each other and suggest ideas for game improvements.

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