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492 Games
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.: Cricket Manager :.
URL - click here to play
Group Sports
Multiplayer Limited
Online / Offline Online Only
Cost Free
Platform Any
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Plugin None
Graphics 2D Graphics
Time Turn Based
Length Open Ended
Added By genadmin
Added 2006-06-28 21:10:32
Your team will not be made up of established cricketing names but nonetheless, you will find your collection of amateur cricketers pose particular challenges to your managerial skill! Learning to prepare for their unexplained absences and minor injuries will be a key part of successfully moving your team forward.

Once you have got to know your team, it's time to set batting and bowling strategies for each game. Choices depend on your team's abilities, opponents' strategies, the state of the weather and the wicket. Managers are also in full control of their batting order & bowling attack - including having to choose between new ball bowlers, swing bowlers & spinners - fielding positions, coin toss, choice of captain and more...

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