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.: Kapilands :.
URL http.// - click here to play
Group Strategy
Multiplayer Unlimited
Online / Offline Online Only
Cost Free
Platform Any
Client Browser
Plugin None
Graphics Text/Static 2D Graphics
Time Real Time
Length Open Ended
Added By Aru
Added 2007-01-26 23:43:41
Come in the world of Kapilands and become your own boss. This game is all about:

Build your own empire out of 40 different buildings. What do you want to do? Stock farming? Agriculture? Electronics? Or do you even prefer to be a fashion designer?

There are over 100 different products that can be produced in different qualities. Work together with other players or build up your own production chain.

Sell your products to non player characters or trade with real players and get the best price. Send agreements for sale or offer your products in the forum or in the chat.

Money and Shares
From rags to riches... in Kapiland your dream comes true.

Kapiland was 2006 the browser based game of the year in Germany.

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