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.: wauies :.
URL - click here to play
Group Other
Multiplayer Unlimited
Online / Offline Online Only
Cost Free
Platform Any
Client Browser
Plugin Flash
Graphics 3D Graphics
Time Real Time
Length Open Ended
Added By pearlbay
Added 2009-05-06 07:26:16 comes with a free license to cuddle for all browsergame fans: Adopt your own cute little puppy, raise and train it.

When logging in, players can decide between three puppies: A Golden Retriever, an Australian Shepherd or a mongrel. After having adopted your new four-legged family member, it’s up to you to raise and train it. Take a trip downtown to buy some toys for your dog’s entertainment. A stick, a brush, a leash to take your Wauie out walking – there’s lots to choose from and you may easily find yourself with full shopping-bags and an empty purse at the end of your shopping spree.

What to do first – Stroke or brush your Wauie, take it for a walk or make it catch the stick? That doesn’t matter; your Wauie enjoys being stroked as much as being taken out for a walk. Thanks to flash technology, you will even be able to stroke, brush and exercise your dog by yourself! And your puppy will thank you for all the attention by showering you with sympathy points. These are important, for the more the Wauie enjoys being around its mistress or master, the easier it will be to train it.

So if you want your Wauie to succeed at the local dog competition and be awarded prize money and points by the jury, make sure to always stay on its good side. But honestly, who wouldn’t love to take care of such a cute puppy?

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2009-05-06 Wauies - the cuddly browser game
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