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.: Street Life :.
URL - click here to play
Group RPG
Multiplayer Unlimited
Online / Offline Online Only
Cost Free
Platform Any
Client Browser
Plugin None
Graphics Text
Time Real Time
Length Open Ended
Added By streetlife
Added 2009-05-20 06:24:24
Want to play a game where you can train up to be the toughest player around? Where you can commit numerous crimes and make a bundle of cash? Or maybe you would rather go attack your enemy and mug them ..or better yet hospitilize them. Lead a street gang and go to war with rival gangs. Or just go it alone and level up by beating others down. You can do it all and so much more if you can handle it!! So Come and join us on the streets if you think you can survive and live the "Street Life" ............ enjoy and have fun

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