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New Round started in Z-Fantasy Game
Type News
Game General
Submitted by pooq
Created 2007-02-05 00:40:11
A new round has started in the multiplayer online game Z-Fantasy which allows to start with a new hero with even conditions for all players. In addition there are a lot of changes regarding to the previous round.

First of all the World of Z was expanded by an underworld and allows exploration of caves and caverns. The world on the surface has also been recreated and expanded as with the changes a lot of new buildings came into the game.

New abilities and items were brought into the game which allow new tactics and diversification of heroes. So beside of combat, magic, crafting and quests there are more options added for merchants and the economy system.

With new effects which are bound to races the creation of a new hero has got a stronger influence even though it is still possible to change the orientation of a hero during the game by setting focus to other fields of knowledge.

To start playing the game visit . The game is free and completely browserbased.
With the new round a new manual is available at .


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