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New server of MuOnline width the name Draken-Xtreme!!!!
Type Article
Game General
Submitted by rayonegro
Created 2007-05-04 00:15:18
Welcome to Draken-Xtreme MuOnline MMORPG Servers...

This server is created by RAYONEGRO and papa for the reason of what we need a server for playing!. But now we want that they accompany to us in our servers to cause that turns in one of the best servers of the world!

Characteristic of our servers:

# of Servers: 2
Server1: For Playing
Server2: For Trade

Arena: Only for Donators
Exp: 1000x
Monsters HP: 100%
Drops: 80%
Servers Admins: 5
New?: Yes
Online Servers: 1
Version: 0.97d
Have DL?: NO
Admins Name: RAYONEGRO, papa, sthefany, 5555455 and la_bebita.

Server Page:
Server Forums:
Have Problems: yes. (pk only 3 count, clear guild and clear character). We needed of your help for repair that problems.

E-mail of the servers:

Admin General: papa
Server created by RAYONEGRO

Server created in February, 18 from 2007



rayonegro 2008-02-14 04:58:36
pk bug, clear guild and characters bug fix.

sthefany and 5555455 arent admins now, only simple users. Servers 2, drops: 35%.
default language: spanish.

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