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The greatest new game on the web
Type Review
Game Nations of War
Submitted by Plague
Created 2007-06-10 13:17:22
NOW is an awesome tick based game that requires you to play as a team within your country to repel the maurading invaders. The game has 2 battlefields with different tick speeds so you can play at the speed that best suits your style and time availability.
The military units are upgradable through research. There are air, human, land, and naval units available. Oh ya the missles are awesome including the dreaded bio tipped missles that surface later in the round.
The best part about the game is that even a powerhouse can be brought down with these meissles, if sveeral countries work together and focus their efforts on the big dogs.
A recent addition is the new Protection Mode that puts a player into a protective state for 24 hours rather than die. This allows the player time to rebuild their deffences and face the next assualt with a better chance of success rather than just starting from scratch.

I have played dozens of online games. I have been involved in beta testing for several newer games and I have won or placed in many of them. From my perspective this game has what it takes to be one of the best out there.
Try it out if think you have the stuff to compete or just want to fool around and enjoy a fun strategy game with any levels of excitement.

DMH 2008-02-15 20:47:56
not bad
Reaper81 2007-06-10 13:31:16
very nice review, dont think i could have said it better

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