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Nations of WAR! with 15 minute ticks, can you keep up?
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Game General
Submitted by joeloach
Created 2008-02-12 09:41:06
The testing is complete, and the Premium features are in place.

Navy missles and Naval units are lethal, and while research will prevail... but in order to afford all of this, you must attack other players to gain more crucial LAND!

Land equals banks, and in this World money is power. is having it's 1st full game. The duration is 3 weeks of 15 minute ticks.

Check out our video on youtube.

joeloach 2008-08-18 14:46:18
The game on Bf2 with 2 minute ticks last's 4 days. 1 day of noob and 3 days of battle.

Come get some blood on your hands.

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