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Amazon-Survival Player Review
Type Article
Game General
Submitted by mdshare
Created 2008-07-29 09:30:48
The Good
- Really good community, helpful and dedicated
- Very fun game for people of all ages (13+)

The Bad
- Can get a bit repetitive which will change when new upgrades are set in place.
- Needs some work done, alot of which has been done already since it was taken over by the CE Network

Amazon-Survival is a internet based game that requires NO downloads and it completely FREE to play. You start off stranded in the Amazon Jungle with only a few $$$'s in your back pocket but you see something glimmering in front of you so you bend over to see what it is, its crystals, you pick them up and start your fight for survival.

You explore the Jungle and come across another couple of crystals which you decide to sell at the crystal market, the main reason is to buy your self a new house as after living in your hole for a couple of weeks its starting to get a bit smelly and dirty.

You get attacked and robbed so you decide to put your house buying on hold so you can buy yourself a weapon and some armor in the hope of being able to defend yourself.

What happens next??? Well that's entirely up to you!!!

This game has a superb user community which is very helpful and good fun. I started my game and wasn't completely sure what to do but I soon have people bending over backwards trying to help and guide me, i soon found my feet and started my fight for survival, that was 40 days ago and I am now in charge of my own tribe which to date has the most members which is a very good achievement.

If you decide to play, check out The_Amazon_Gurus tribe at

joeloach 2008-09-01 19:06:07
How would this game compare to runescpe or rose?


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