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Submitted by angelz
Created 2008-12-13 12:22:04 Player Review is a fun, FREE turn based game with new rounds every 14 days. It also has a jackpot to win real cash!
I've been playin the game almost from the very start , and the game has grown very fast with many new players, but also has many of the same player still around like myself.
The game also does a speed round on the weekends to earn more turns for the regular game which comes in handy.
You can also donate to the game and get many great benefits.
The game also has a very nice and helpful staff which seems theres always someone to help.
They also do a great job of keeping the game fair from cheating unlike some other online games.
They also are always doing updates which keeps the game fresh.
This game has alot of action every round which makes the game fun .
I rate this game a 10. Its by far the funnest free online game running!!


angelz 2009-02-25 09:05:24
angelz 2009-02-25 09:01:40
This is a very addictive and enjoyable game.You can not only attack players for their cash, but you can destroy their alcohol and drugs. You can join a family if you're excepted and join in on the fun. I can go on and on about this game, the benefits, the options and much more, but you need to try it for yourself. This is the best game ive played and i give 10 stars. In free mafia game, you get to build friendships along with enemies, and i cannot begin to explain the positive feedbacks on this game, but TRY us out. you wont be sorry--fmg_angelz
ALCAPONEGAZ 2009-02-21 05:04:19
the best game online by along way
Lolita 2009-02-08 18:50:29
Ive been playing this game for almost a year! I think its the best game ever, I have met people from all over the world on this game. This game has a built in chat box, free credits just for being online, great friends and great families .. come check us out
Happykiller 2009-01-27 10:39:07
I have been playing Free Mafia game for less than a month. I've grown to know people on the game who have been playing since first began few years years ago.

There are great people in the game... People in "Families" are really like a family. They look out for each other and give each other advice on how to rank and make money in the game.
The admins are constantly asking for ideas from the players on how to make the game better. They upgrade and add new features to the game to make it even more enjoyable to play.

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