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Kapi Regnums starts Guilds' Contest
Type News
Game General
Submitted by pearlbay
Created 2009-05-07 06:37:44
No time for idleness! There is a new cause to celebrate – and to get busy on, every trader’s favorite medieval economy simulation: Prove what your guild is made of, and take part at the newly created guilds’ contests!

There are many ways to fame and glory in Kapi Regnum, and the newly added the guilds’ contest is one of them. Those guilds looking for an additional challenge, next to the creation of their very own “Wonder of the World”, can now use the Guilds’ Contest to actively compete against each other and prove what they are made of. If you are a guild-member, then use this chance to further your guild’s success, by sending in the sought-for product in the required quality. Apart from gaining fame and glory, you may soon be the proud owner of a gleaming, golden cup.

Of course there is a lot more to discover in Regnum, even if you are not a guild-member yet. Register yourself for free, and lead your own humble hamlet to success and financial prosperity. Establish your city from more than 40 different buildings. Would you like to specialize in cattle-breeding, start your own chain of breweries or rather make your fortune by selling indulgences? That's up to you to decide! Use your workshops to produce up to 80 different products in different qualities, and sell them on the market place or via contract to thousands of other, dedicated players. But be sure to hire enough workers, and offer them accommodation and food or you will find yourself faced with a discontent and rebellious population...

Kapi Regnum offers challenging online entertainment to all fans of economy simulations, and comes with a fun and welcoming online community, and a regularly published user-newspaper.

Dive into the Middle Ages, and make your fortune! Your subjects are awaiting your orders!


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