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King announces second Guilds' Contest
Type News
Game General
Submitted by pearlbay
Created 2009-07-09 08:48:40
Lords and Ladies, all you brave and noble folk! Fans of the Middle Ages, inhabitants of the lands of Kapi Regnum!

Hard days are upon us, the financial crisis is casting its ghastly shadow all over the lands. And though the days are still long, and the winter still seems far off, the short days and long, cold nights will eventually come... There is no knowing, what will happen to all those luckless souls, who are less well off, during those long, dark winter-nights.

But fear not, for I have come to bring good tidings! In his Royal wisdom, and guided by his noble heart, His Royal Highness, the King, has decided, to announce a new Guilds' Contest to the benefit of those in need.

By royal decree, he has summoned the best weavers of the realm to produce warm eiderdown for the local workhouse, to supply all those suffering people. But even the best weavers cannot produce enough eiderdown, to supply an entire realm and those in need during the winter-time.

That is why the King now needs the help of all his well-meaning citizens and provosts. Starting on July 12th, in the year of our Lord 2009, the King is going to launch the second ever Kapi Regnum Guild's contest, and is inviting all of Kapi Regnum's guilds, and those players, who are still planning to form or join a guild, to participate. Over a period of 3 weeks, all guild-members will have the chance to show their support for citizens in need, and to compete with each other, in order to gain one of the highly prized trophies, a bronze, silver or even golden cup.

So come all you traders, weavers, friends of the Middle Ages, make your way to and gain join in!


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