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Type Review
Game Idlejackers
Submitted by Lord Claymore
Created 2003-11-07 18:44:30
Okay, i think most of these game by r kewl, but i have gone onto this site and im trying to browse the games but i cant get onto any - so i cant give them much of a review, so if anyone wants to e-mail me on how to play these game at, i would rly appreseate it - and most probly i coud wright a good review about them, thank you
-Dan AKA Lord Claymore

_Magic_Man_ 2004-03-08 05:12:19
uh.. I got an account, I can't figure out how to get to the actual site and actually play it
tightend2040 2004-03-07 19:56:53
i cant figure out how to start to play the wrestling game after ive signed up
dwr00 2003-11-07 19:41:47
You can go to

and select "create account." You can't play any PLIT games without creating a free account first. The account gives you access to all the games on PLIT.

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