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.: Statistics :.
492 Games
3123 Users
278 News
46 Articles
111 Reviews
.: Totals Ever :.
Votes 4117342
Views 2104328
Click/Out 700843
.: Totals Month :.
Votes 967632
Views 797000
Click/Out 467247
.: News :.
2007-02-05 New Round started in Z-Fantasy Game
2007-02-05 War between Federation and Empire!
2007-02-03 Kapilands just launched successfully!
2007-01-29 Mythos Age 8: Zeus's Tutelage
2007-01-04 Rumble Race: First cup finished, get ready for the next one!
2007-01-03 A new game begins its first beta age: Norron
2006-12-13 Mythos Age 7: The Ascent of Dionysus
2006-12-07 Some new changes in Xenyoo!
2006-12-04 Lands of Hope - Wintersvale Celebrations
2006-12-02 Pardus Holiday Updates
2006-12-01 Global-Wars Now has 15 and 30 min. servers. new round for both, signups now....
2006-11-30 The Age of Dragons - Round 5 Begins in 11 Hours
2006-11-23 New tournament system and new characters in Xenyoo!
2006-11-23 World Of Mayhem Launches V. 2
2006-11-16 Rumble Race launches its first cup and the Dutch tests are starting!
2006-10-31 Global-Wars Round 2 begins Nov. 1st
2006-10-30 Mafia-Lords Open Beta Round
2006-10-28 Mythos Age 6: Athena's Last Stand
2006-10-20 Prizes
2006-10-20 Lands of Hope - Jurassic Wars and Halloween
2006-10-18 Beer-Runners Cash Round
2006-10-09 Global-Wars First Round!
2006-10-05 Bloodsport Colosseum goes beta!
2006-10-02 Pardus "Goes Gold"
2006-09-26 The Five Pillars begins a new Jumpstart Server!
2006-09-24 New Round with Z - Fantasy game
2006-09-23 To Boldly Go seeks new players
1 28 55 82 109 136 163 190 217 244 271 All