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.: Statistics :.
492 Games
3123 Users
278 News
46 Articles
111 Reviews
.: Totals Ever :.
Votes 4116886
Views 2096408
Click/Out 694012
.: Totals Month :.
Votes 967176
Views 789080
Click/Out 460416
.: News :.
2006-10-31 Global-Wars Round 2 begins Nov. 1st
2006-10-30 Mafia-Lords Open Beta Round
2006-10-28 Mythos Age 6: Athena's Last Stand
2006-10-20 Prizes
2006-10-20 Lands of Hope - Jurassic Wars and Halloween
2006-10-18 Beer-Runners Cash Round
2006-10-09 Global-Wars First Round!
2006-10-05 Bloodsport Colosseum goes beta!
2006-10-02 Pardus "Goes Gold"
2006-09-26 The Five Pillars begins a new Jumpstart Server!
2006-09-24 New Round with Z - Fantasy game
2006-09-23 To Boldly Go seeks new players
2006-09-14 Mythos Age 5 is Now Online!
2006-09-03 The Age of Dragons - New Round
2006-08-30 Lands of Hope - The Westervale Curse
2006-08-16 NEW game starting on Server 2 8-17-06
2006-07-31 Mythos Age 4 is Online
2006-07-19 Lands of Hope - Celebrates its first birthday!
2006-07-02 World Of Launch
2006-06-26 A new Galaxy-Vision server starts today
2006-06-23 Change Is Good
2006-06-09 Galactic Oddessy has Reset..
2006-06-09 Mythos Age 3 Starts Today
2006-05-22 Raging Universe new round!
2006-05-22 Fleets of Anarchy SE
1 28 55 82 109 136 163 190 217 244 271 All