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.: Statistics :.
492 Games
3123 Users
278 News
46 Articles
111 Reviews
.: Totals Ever :.
Votes 4111802
Views 2068127
Click/Out 656815
.: Totals Month :.
Votes 962092
Views 760799
Click/Out 423219
.: News :.
2005-10-09 Absolute III --Experience the next generation Text-based game.
2005-10-03 Role-Players Wanted
2005-10-02 Renegade New!
2005-09-27 Lands of Hope discovers a Legend
2005-09-05 New Additions to SmaShCaR
2005-08-16 MWM Game Six starts, and the CLAN server is back!
2005-08-13 MafiaLife:Watch Your Back!
2005-08-02 Free ps2 and Nokia N91
2005-07-26 Lands of Hope - Released Early
2005-07-18 the web site for mafiaboss is
2005-07-11 Raging Universe Beta Three
2005-06-23 1947 Era Conspiracy Play by Post Game, Gnarus Arcani MCMXLVII
2005-06-18 New game Ereptoria - City of Thieves now online
2005-06-04 Raging Universe Beta Two
2005-06-01 Modern War Militia NEW ROUNDS
2005-05-29 New Round in Imperial Conflict
2005-05-25 Your Invitation to Watch a Grand Story
2005-05-16 Global Flood is back
2005-05-16 FaitH’s Era VI is On!
2005-05-15 Round End 27th May and New Round
2005-05-05 MWM Has Reset!
2005-05-01 Site not found
2005-05-01 Apperantly the server crashed
2005-05-01 BETA 1
2005-04-02 Planetia Round 11
1 28 55 82 109 136 163 190 217 244 271 All